Durov said that Telegram defends the basic rights of people, and gave an example of Russia, where Telegram got banned when the service refused to hand over encryption keys that would allow authorities to spy on users. Durov said Telegram takes down millions of harmful posts and channels every day as well.
Telegram is also looking to improve and has started to process internally to make it less easy for criminals to abuse its platform.
Telegram is also under scrutiny from the EU for reportedly having misrepresented the number of users it has to avoid being restricted under the EU’s DSA (Digital Services Act). EU officials are currently investigating the app and it could face fines if found that it downplayed its user count to avoid regulations by the DSA.
I think Telegram’s new way of allowing people to report content is a great step towards improving the service and ensuring criminals aren’t using it. Of course, it’s easier said than done, as criminals find ways to abuse most platforms online anyway, but it’s a fight that has to be fought.