The Bayonetta series is likely going to continue even after Hideki Kamiya left PlatinumGames, the series creator said in a new video shared online today.
In his latest Kamiya Responds to Your Comments video, the man behind some of the best action games ever released commented on the future of the series, saying that those who own the IP will probably keep it going without him. The whole saga as he envisioned, however, will be taken to the grave with him, so future entries in the series are likely going to be very different from what its creator may have intended them to be, had he stayed with PlatinumGames.
The latest main entry in the series, Bayonetta 3, was released last year on Nintendo Switch. Despite not being on the same level as the first game, which is still, in my opinion, the best entry in the series, even with its flaws, it is a competent action game, although its combat system lacks the intricacy the series is known for. The third entry in the franchise was followed by Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon, a quirky spin-off that may not be everyone’s cup of tea, as highlighted by Nathan in his review.
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon’s restrained tone and quirky dual-character mechanics won’t immediately connect with everyone, but you owe it to yourself to give the game a chance. Bayonetta Origins eventually comes into its own in a big way, delivering escalating action, compelling character development, and expertly-executed fan-pleasing moments en route to a satisfying finale. This tale of friendship is the perfect companion for Bayonetta 3 and may even win over those who haven’t been bewitched by the franchise in the past.