Today marks the launch of The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope and also the teaser trailer of the next in the series, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes. Now, I’ve already completed the game a few times – I’ve had the fortune of playing it a little while, you can also read my review here. Put simply, I like the game, I really do. I wouldn’t have given it 8.5/10 if I didn’t.
My conclusion of the review was a simple one:
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope takes the Supermassive Games formula and improves on the previous outing, Man of Medan, in so many ways. With a more interesting story, a strong set of characters, the masterful building of atmosphere and more, you’re going to be left on the edge of your seat while playing through this story. The excellent branching narrative, as well as multiplayer options also increase the gameplay value exponentially. This still isn’t perfect, the sloth-like movements of characters can be annoying later on and some QTE’s are annoyingly cheap, but this is still a brilliant game, one I would recommend to anybody.
As I’ve said though, this is also the reveal of the teaser trailer, after the credits, for The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes. Seemingly set somewhere in the Arabian desert, this looks to be yet another horror-filled story where The Curator has you narrate a story that could potentially be a little more action-packed than previous TDP titles, particuarly as the protagonists appear to be soldiers.
Knowing the story beats that the first two The Dark Pictures Anthology titles have taken, I already have my suspicions about how this will at least end, or at least the theme behind it. I could be massively wrong, but I won’t say anything now because anything I say now could easily be used as a spoiler for Little Hope. What I’ll leave you with is a trailer for 2021’s addition to the Supermassive Games horror-fest, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes.