The upcoming remake of Silent Hill 2 has brought about a considerable change in the look of the main character, James Sunderland, as revealed in a new game icon on Steam.
This is the first time we have seen a glimpse of what to expect with Silent Hill 2’s remake in terms of its main character, and the way we have received the information is also quite cliche. A new update on the project’s Steam page noticed on SteamDB has shown us the new look of James Sunderland in the upcoming title. Many fans have had a positive reaction towards the change, some claiming that the remake has restored the franchise’s original 2001 looks.
There hasn’t been a massive change in James Sunderland’s looks, apart from the fact that he might have gotten a hair trim and more area under the eyes, but the appealing factor is how the franchise has managed to provide a nostalgic factor with the new look, and it’s sure to impress the series’ OGs. Here is how fans on Reddit reacted to the new look, and they are finally “happy” with what’s coming in the remake.
Well, the comments under the post depict that fans are happy with the change, and we are glad they are, considering how the Silent Hill 2 remake gameplay trailer brought massive criticism for the lack of changes made. Apart from that, just recently, we saw the game getting rated by the ERSB, where tiny bits of the changes in contents were disclosed, but it did contain some spoilers, too, so proceed with caution. The Silent Hill 2 Remake is powered by Epic’s Unreal Engine 5 and will be released for PC and PlayStation 5; a release date hasn’t been disclosed yet, but it shouldn’t be too far away at this point.
News Source: IGN