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The UAE’s video games market revenue is estimated to reach approximately $492 million by 2027, according to a new Statista report.
The report forecasted market revenue will reach close to $421m by the end of 2024, with a steady annual growth rate of 5.4% to 2027.
It also claimed that the number of gamers is expected to rise to 1.7 million by 2027.
Plans for the future
UAE is currently investing significantly in its games industry as it looks to grow the sector. Dubai’s ‘Programme for Gaming 2033′ aims to position the city among the top 10 global gaming hubs by 2033 and also boost the city’s digital economy and increase GDP by approximately $1 billion in the same year.
Dubai also recently launched the ‘Dubai Gaming Visa’ to support talent and creators in the video games sector, providing investment opportunities to help turn innovative ideas into successful projects.
Deals this year to boost its games sector include the Abu Dhabi Investment Office’s backing of Jordanian mobile games publisher Tamatem Games. The move saw the company agree to relocate its HQ to the UAE capital, as well as the creation of a “centre of excellence”. The publisher plans to recruit more than 40 staff.