While that’s definitely a good thing, a lot of harm may have already been done by the time the operator’s cybersecurity experts intervened to repair this breach. Unauthorized SIM card changes apparently took place on some of the hacked accounts, and things like customer names, phone numbers, billing addresses, price plans, and “other service-related information” are essentially compromised for good.
Obviously, you can’t change your name or home address just because someone might have gained unauthorized access to your personal info, but “in an abundance of caution”, Verizon reset the Account Security Codes (PINs) of all affected customers, and if you suspect that also happened to you, a similar revision is probably wise.
All “unauthorized SIM changes” should have been reversed, mind you, which is another point in Big Red’s favor, and no banking info, passwords, Social Security numbers, or tax IDs were breached between October 6 and 10, which further makes this attack look less serious than T-Mobile’s hacks from the last year or so. Still unacceptable but it absolutely could have been (much) worse.