WhatsApp promised to make Flows available to businesses around the world, at least those that use the WhatsApp Business Platform, in the coming weeks. Flows will allow businesses to provide WhatsApp users with menus and customizable forms that support their needs.
In addition, WhatsApp announced that it’s making it easier to complete a purchase directly in the chat. First, users in India will be able to add items to their car and send a payment using one of the various supported methods like UPI apps, debit and credit cards, and more. To make the purchase experience safe and simple, WhatsApp is working with partners like Razorpay and PayU.
Furthermore, Meta Verified will offer some additional premium features for interested businesses, including the ability to create a custom WhatsApp page discoverable via a web search, as well as multi-device support.
WhatsApp will start testing the Meta Verified feature with small businesses using the WhatsApp Business app very soon, so this won’t be available to businesses on the WhatsApp Business Platform yet.