The tablet version of WhatsApp now has access to a split view thanks to a new update that was just released. The update was made available for the Android beta app which is available on the Play Store for those that were fortunate enough to make it into the beta program.
Source – Wabetainfo
In the past, when users opened a chat on the tablet version of WhatsApp, the chat view would take up the entire screen. Users would then have to return to the chat list each time they wanted to switch to a different conversation. Having this new feature will allow users to switch between conversations without having to return to the chat list since it will be consistently visible whenever a chat window is opened.
After installing the most recent update of WhatsApp beta for Android from the Play Store, users will have access to a redesigned user interface that is optimized for use on tablets. However, if the new feature isn’t available to you after installing the latest beta, Wabetainfo states that there will be an upcoming update that will unlock this feature for even more users. Unfortunately, if you do not already have access to the beta version of WhatsApp, you will not be able to sign up at this time as the beta program is almost always full.