WhatsApp doesn’t allow users to run the same accounts on multiple devices, but that might change in the future. WhatsApp is testing new features every month, but not all make it to the app, so take the following information with a grain of salt.
As per WaBetaInfo’s recent report, WhatsApp is testing a new feature that will allow users to migrate their chat history between iOS and Android devices. This is part of a much larger plan that will radically change the way we use WhatsApp, as people will be able to use the same account on multiple devices at the same time.
Although there are third-party apps that let you move your chat history between Android and iOS platforms, they are against WhatsApp’s Terms of Service and shouldn’t be used. Thankfully, WhatsApp is working hard to make that possible by offering users its own solution.
According to the report, a future update for the WhatsApp app on Android and iOS will make it possible for users to migrate their chat history between different platforms. The only requirement will be to have the latest version of WhatsApp installed to prevent any compatibility issues.
Unfortunately, we can’t provide our readers with a release date, but WhatsApp seems to have made major advancements in bringing this feature to all users, so we suspect it won’t be long until it hits the final version.