In the past, getting help through WhatsApp often involved navigating through a long list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). This could be time-consuming and might not always provide the specific answer users were looking for. With the new “Chat with Us” feature, users will be able to bypass the FAQs and directly contact the support team.
When users click on the “Chat with Us” option in the Help section, they’ll be notified that they’ll soon receive a message from the support team in a WhatsApp chat. The support team might initially respond with an AI-generated message or an automated response. However, users can request to chat with a human representative if needed.
The “Chat with us” WhatsApp feature that is under development. | Image credit — WABetaInfo
With all these new features, WhatsApp is making its web app more and more useful. It’s becoming a real alternative to the mobile app, especially for people who spend a lot of time working on their computers. I’m excited to see what other features WhatsApp adds to its web app in the future.