The new labels will be attached to both the parody profiles and their posts. X’s Safety Team announced the change in a statement late Thursday night. They explained that the labels are designed to increase transparency and ensure that users are not misled into thinking such accounts belong to the entity being parodied.
For now, accounts can voluntarily add the label to their profiles in X’s settings page. However, the platform plans to make these labels mandatory for parody, commentary, and fan (PCF) accounts in the future. More details about this requirement will be released soon.
We’re rolling out profile labels for parody accounts to clearly distinguish these types of accounts and their content on our platform. We designed these labels to increase transparency and to ensure that users are not deceived into thinking such accounts belong to the entity…
— Safety (@Safety) January 10, 2025
This new feature could be a positive step toward making social media a more transparent and trustworthy space. By clearly labeling parody accounts, X can help users make informed decisions about the content they consume and engage with.