Apple recently revealed the nifty back tap feature that allowed users to initiate various functions or shortcuts, during their recent announcements. It is considered to be extremely helpful and Android users have been since wanting to have a similar feature on their phones.
For those who’re not aware, it was Google that was first spotted testing such a feature dubbed as Columbus earlier this year. Now it looks like the Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is going to beat Google by announcing a similar gesture-based feature which will be called “Back Tap.”
Spotted by one of the senior developers at XDA-Developers, the “Back Tap” function is being tested on MIUI 12 and utilizes the back panel of the device, which otherwise remains unused while using a phone.
According to the codes that the good folks at XDA have been able to access, Xiaomi’s implementation will include either double taps or triple taps and will allow users to assign actions to them.
Going by the screenshots, the options available with the users are currently limited and users can choose between taking a screenshot, turn on the torch, open control centre, open notification shade or launch camera. While the feature has not been made available to the public yet, you can expect Xiaomi to make the list more comprehensive by adding more functions or shortcuts to the list.
As of now, there is no official information as to when Xiaomi will release the “Back Tap” feature for public use, however, it should be compatible with most phones once launched.
Unlike Google’s Active Edge feature, that required users to squeeze the smartphone to initiate shortcuts, the back tap is more practical and an easy to use feature.