As a true high-end premium smartwatch, the Galaxy Watch 5 is just loaded with features. It probably packs every health-tracking function that comes to your mind right now. The smartwatch even comes with Samsung‘s body composition feature, which can measure your body fat and muscle percentages. There is even a temperature sensor on board, which helps women track their ovulation periods more easily.
In addition to its many health-tracking features, the Galaxy Watch 5 runs on Wear OS 3, which means it supports various apps, including games made specifically for smartwatches. Of course, the watch also comes with NFC, smart notification support, the ability to take and make phone calls, and an IP68 rating, which means the smartwatch is dust and water-resistant.
The only downside of the Galaxy Watch 5 is probably its one-day battery life. However, such a battery life is completely normal for this kind of smartwatches. Furthermore, the battery life won’t be an issue if you charge your Galaxy Watch 5 at night.